Red Kettle is the culmination of my almost decade-long career as a chef in a very specialized industry – working on traditional sailing ships in Europe, the Caribbean, and the east coast of the United States. Aboard these ships, I’d feed a very hungry crew composed of 15-40 professional sailors, educators, and rotating groups of students, who came aboard to learn seamanship, marine science, and history. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks – I’d repeat this every day for as long as the programs lasted, which could be anywhere from a few days to as long as several months.

We could be at sea for weeks at a time, and fresh food was a luxury. I walked a fine line between hoarding fresh ingredients as long as possible and trying to use up everything before it went bad. There was a lot of creativity as I created menus that would satisfy the crew both nutritionally and emotionally. Food played an outsized role on board, as even the most seasoned sailors would request recipes that reminded them of home.

There were few people of color aboard the ships I worked on, and frequently, I would be the only Asian person. Like everyone else, I missed the flavors of the food I ate at home, and I wanted to recreate those Asian flavors aboard. When I couldn’t provision authentic Asian ingredients in port, I improvised. Aboard a ship sailing in the Caribbean, I decided to make kimchi – even though all I had was green cabbage, crushed red pepper, and paprika. To my surprise, my “emergency shipboard kimchi” was not only edible, it fermented beautifully. Although the flavors of this batch of kimchi weren’t the same as the kimchi I made at home, and I was making it for 40 instead of one, I realized that it was possible to feel at home anywhere by bringing those flavors to where I was.

The food I make is a reflection of my Asian heritage and the natural bounty found in the state of Maine. In our colorful, sunny kitchen, the red tea kettle on top of our stove greets me every morning. When you taste food from Red Kettle, I hope that you taste all the flavors of its story, and that it brings my home closer to yours.

We’re proud to source many of our ingredients from local producers as seasonally available. Read about our partners and suppliers here.

The Red Kettle Team

We couldn’t make any of this possible without the members of our multi-talented and multi-tasking team.

Miya | Production Assistant
Expert cabbage chopper, recipe tester, and maker of great playlists.

Nora | Logistics Manager
Nora is our dedicated spreadsheet wrangler and lady of inventory management. If there’s an excel spreadsheet to edit, labels to be ordered, or data to be entered (or cabbage to chop, or a wall to paint), Nora’s on it. She loves a color-coded spreadsheet, good food, and training Ger’s cat to tolerate being picked up for more than .2 seconds.

Christopher | Distribution
All that kimchi isn’t going to deliver itself – good thing Christopher is here to send it where it needs to go!